Meaning of Consideration (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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Consideration is a feminine noun meaning the act or effect of considering.

By considering we understand so much the reflective action about something, or have respect by a person.

Example: "I have immense regard for your father."

When someone says he is considerate of another person, it means that he has great respect, appreciation and esteem for the person.

not be considerate, Or the Lack of consideration, is the fact of not caring about the other, taking selfish and anti-collective attitudes. You can say of someone who is talking loudly at the cinema, for example:

"what person is more considerate to others, cinema is a place of silence".

When the consideration is about thinking or reflecting on something, we can see in the example:

"During the seminar, at the end of the speaker's speech, one of the panel members asked for a consideration."

make a consideration is to make an observation about what is being talked about.

The expression final considerations that is, the conclusion reached on a given subject. In the academic world, it is the title of the last part of an article or thesis, when the researcher presents his or her latest analysis of the dissertation.

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Take into account is an expression used when it is meant that something was taken into account, was thought about before taking a certain attitude or decision. As in "I took into account his state of health before proposing the trip".

The antonym of consideration is disregard, or even disrespect and contempt.

Synonyms of Consideration

  • Respect
  • Heads up
  • Importance
  • Interest
  • compliance
  • estimation
  • Courtesy
  • Reflection
  • Reasoning
  • Thought
  • Opinion
  • Conclusion
  • Argument
  • Reason
  • Reason
  • Reflection

See also: appreciation

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