Latest Meanings (202)

Meaning of Possessive

Possessive comes from the Latin possessivus, and is what has a feeling or desire to possess someone or something. The word possessive is a masculine adjective, as in "possessive man". And also a...

Definition of Semiology

Semiology is the general science of signs. The word comes from the union of the Greek words semeion, which means sign, and logos, study. Semiology is an area of ​​knowledge dedicated to understanding the...

Meaning of Malicious

Malicious is someone or something that possesses, acts or thinks with malice. Malicious is both an adjective and a masculine noun. As an adjective, it is the quality of what you think or act as an act of...

Definition of Ratimbum

Ratimbum or Rá-Tim-Bum was a highly successful children's program, produced by TV Cultura between 1989 and 1992. When someone is on their birthday, after the famous "Happy Birthday"...

meaning of anachronism

Anachronism is a chronological error, when certain concepts, objects, thoughts, customs and events, for example, are used to portray a time different from the one in which belong...

Definition of Tritongo

Tritongo is the meeting of three vowels in the same syllable. The word is formed by the prefix tri, which means three, and tongo comes from the Greek phthongos which is the same as tom or sound, and therefore tritongo means...

Definition of Athletics

Athletics is the group of sports that brings together running, jumping and throwing. Athletics events can take place on the field, on the street or in the stadium, individually or by relay of athletes. THE...

meaning of moral

Moral is a Brazilian slang that can have different interpretations, depending on the region in which it is used, such as: "please", "no problems", "quiet" or "good". This expression...

Definition of Fifth Column

Fifth column is an expression considered synonymous with betrayal, characterized by the gathering of a group of people who act clandestinely with the intention of betraying their comrades, their homeland or...

Definition of Ululating

Ululante is an adjective that qualifies something or someone who howls, that is, who howls, screams, screams and emits whining sounds. Ulular comes from the Latin ululare, which means howl, the sound emitted by dogs and others...

Definition of Net Weight

Net weight means the unique weight of a given product, excluding the weight of packaging or other material other than the product itself. As a rule, the net weight is reported in kilograms (Kg), and...

meaning of fosse

Fosse is an inflection of the verbs to go, to be and to fossar. In the sense of going, it is the action of moving from one point to another in a past and unfinished situation. When being conjugated, it appears in the first and...

meaning of early

Early is an adverb of time and means that which occurs before or which has a short duration. Waking up early, for example, is getting out of bed in the early morning hours. As in the proverb "God helps...

meaning of spontaneity

Spontaneity is the condition of something or someone who is spontaneous, that is, who acts in a natural, true and simple way. Some people have doubts about the correct spelling of this word: spontaneity...

Meaning of Tchê

Tchê is a colloquial expression used by the people of Rio Grande do Sul, especially in Rio Grande do Sul, in addition to neighboring countries such as Uruguay and Argentina. Tchê is an expression of greeting and exclamation,...

Popular Meanings (63)

meaning of mutualMutual is a masculine adjective that classifies something that happens reciproca...

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Latest Meanings (63)

Difference between repair and repairA repair is the same as repairing or correcting something, wh...

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Popular Meanings (64)

Definition of BMIBMI stands for Body Mass Index and it is a measure of the weight of each person,...

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