NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a political-military alliance created in the on April 4, 1949, during the Cold War, which brought together Western and capitalist countries, led...
Topography is a science that studies all the characteristics present on the surface of a territory, such as relief and other factors specific to a given region. The topography was born in line with...
Fear is an emotional state that arises in response to awareness of a potentially dangerous situation. The idea that something or something could threaten someone's safety or life makes the...
Nuclear energy, also known as atomic energy, is energy produced from the fission of the nucleus of an atom, which releases a large amount of heat, enough to produce energy...
Injury is the act of offending someone's honor and dignity. It means the same as insulting, offending others. It originates from the word injustice, and corresponds to what is unfair, the opposite of what...
Drive thru is a product sales service, usually fast food, which allows the customer to buy the product without leaving the car. Drive thru is a corruption of the expression “drive-through”...
Corporate communication is a strategic planning tool used within a company with the aim of improving the company's image and the results obtained. This concept has been suffering...
Extroverted is an adjective used to refer to a person who is lively, fun and who tends to stand out when he is among others. People who are considered extroverts are usually quite...
CTI is the acronym for Treatment and Intensive Care Center, it is a unit of a hospital that continuously monitors its patients. Generally, patients who go to the ICU are those considered...
Whatever is an English term that can mean "anything", "whatever", "whatever", "whatever", "whatever", etc. It is used to refer to...
Femism is the ideology that preaches the superiority of females over males. It is considered the equivalent of machismo, but making the oppressed men, while women...
Blessed is a word in the English language and literally means “blessed / blessed” in the Portuguese translation. Among other translations that can be associated with the term blessed are:...
Evaluation is the feminine noun that means the act of evaluating, or refers to the effect of that evaluation. It can be synonymous with estimation or appreciation. An appraisal can be the estimate of the value of...
Oitiva is a feminine noun meaning ear, hearing. The adverbial locution “by ear”, means “by heart”, “to hear said”, without verifying anything. The hearing is what was heard,...
Side effect is the consequence that the ingestion of a certain drug can cause to the individual's body, that is, an effect that is parallel to what is desired of the drug substance...