Meaning of Resignation (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Resignation is the same as acceptance, a condition of being submissive to another person's desire and will or the action of fate.

The state of resignation is understood as the action of voluntarily and peacefully accepting a condition imposed by someone or something, even if the resigned individual don't agree with this one.

The feeling of conformism is one of the main characteristics of the resigned person, who does not fight for alternatives to change the present situation, just agreeing with it.

In the legal sphere, resignation is understood as the voluntary giving up of a position.

know more about Resigned.

Resignation and Resilience

From a religious and spiritual point of view, resignation and resilience are two distinct concepts that appear related to each other.

As seen, resignation is the idea of ​​accepting in a conforming way. On the other hand, resilience means the action to change or transform something, according to the will of the individual.

In the field of psychology, for example, resilience is interpreted as the

the person's ability to deal with their own problems, overcoming obstacles and adversities that may arise.

Many spiritual and religious doctrines state that the individual must show the union of resignation and resilience to achieve spiritual evolution, being one responsible for enduring the difficult moments that all people face in life, and the other I encourage you to never lose faith and hope for a future best.

Learn more about meaning of resilience.

Synonyms of resignation

  • Acceptance;
  • Conformation;
  • Stoicism;
  • Eupathy;
  • Pachorra;
  • Withdrawal;
  • Renounce;
  • Abdication;
  • Submission;
  • Subjection;
  • Obedience.

See also:meaning of obedience.

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