Complementary colors are those that, within the chromatic circle of colors, are positioned opposite each other.
In general, they serve to lower the intensity of colors and obtain neutral or gray colors when mixed. They also show greater contrast to each other and absorb more of their spectra.
In paintings, complementary colors also serve to generate movement and harmony or create highlights, if placed juxtaposed.
In this way, within the chromatic circle, the complementary color of a primary color will always be a secondary color and vice versa, as shown in the image below:
Thus, a complementary color is one that is in front of another color. In this way, the complementary color of red is green, the complementary color of blue is orange and purple is complementary to yellow.
Tertiary colors are complementary with tertiary colors.
yellow and violet
The complementary color of yellow will be violet or purple, as is the color located at the other end of the color wheel. The violet color is derived from a mixture of blue and red, which are primary colors.
blue and orange
In the case of blue, its complementary color will be orange, which is formed from a mixture of yellow and red.
Red and green
The complementary color of red is green, located at the other end of the color circle. Green is obtained by mixing blue and yellow.
See also the meaning of primary colors and neutral colors.
Complementary colors and analogous colors
Complementary colors differ from analogous colors in terms of their placement on the color wheel. While the complementary colors have opposite positions on the color wheel, the analogous colors are positioned side by side, as shown in the image below:
See also the meaning of the Colors.