Meaning of Classical Music (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

classical music is a classical music genre, characterized by instrumentation complexity and for being represented in the form of symphony, opera or other types of musical developments.

Also known as “high music”, the beginnings of classical music can be traced back to the ninth century, based on the traditions of Western Christian sacred music. Its growth became more accentuated mainly during the Middle Ages (between the 16th and 18th century).

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It is not an easy task to point out the factors that characterize classical music, since there are several distinct types of styles, genres and forms that vary according to the historical period, by example.

But, there are some characteristics that can be taken as typical of classical music, such as:

  • The instrumentation: predominantly formed by various musical instruments. As a rule, orchestras are known for playing classical music.
  • The society: traditionally, classical music has been associated as a “good” of refined societies and intellectuals, excluding everything popular and proletarian.
  • Execution techniques: unlike popular music, manifested through songs, classical music is composed of symphonies, operas, sonatas, among other more complex forms of musical development.
  • The presentation of the shows: usually, the atmosphere built into the presentation of a classical music concert is formal and solemn, unlike what happens in concerts by popular musicians, for example.

Among some of the main composers of classical music that have been marked in history, stand out: Antonio Vivaldi, Johann Sebastian Bach, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, Frédéric Chopin, among others.

classical music and popular music

There is a great controversy between these two musical styles, as some people consider the music classical an artistic manifestation, while popular music is nothing more than "entertainment vulgar".

However, there are advocates of popular and folk music who consider any type of music production as a art form, without the need to build a "prejudiced hierarchy" around the styles musicals.

See also: the meaning of Popular culture.

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