Meaning of Cyborg (What it is, Concept and Definition)

cyborg or cyborg is a organism in which a cybernetic structure or element has been incorporated.

Cyborgs are usually related to the figure of a human being with mechanical or electronic components. Despite this, another organism with high-tech cybernetic modifications can also be considered a cyborg, even if it is not human.

This word comes from English and consists of the junction of two words: cybernetic organism, which means cybernetic organism in Portuguese.

You cyborgs they present conditions of survival superior to those of biological organisms, due to the protection and support that technological devices provide. Thus, cybernetic beings are able to survive in hostile environments, such as outer space, for example.

This term was created in the 1960s, by scientists Manfred Clynes and Nathan Kline, from a study on the need to develop a relationship. closer between humans and machines, mainly so that they can help people survive in extreme situations for the fragile body human.

Currently, the

human cyborgs are considered those who have taken advantage of advances in robotics to improve certain limiting conditions, such as the loss of an arm, a leg, or other body organ.

With the help of mechanical prostheses, these people can regain the autonomy they once had.

Many people confuse the concept of a cyborg with that of a robot, as if they were synonymous. However, while the cyborg consists of the hybridity of an organic being with cybernetic components, the robot is completely mechanical, built based on technology and without any biological matter.

In fiction, several films and books describe the figure of cyborg as a human being endowed with extraordinary powers and capable of performing actions that would be impossible for any other fully biological organism.

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