Meaning of school inclusion (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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School inclusion is the idea of all people have equal access to the education system.. Any type of discrimination, whether based on gender, ethnicity, religion, social class, physical and psychological conditions, etc., is not tolerated.

Currently, the main focus of school inclusion is the children and young people with special educational needs (SEN), who usually have some kind of physical or psychological disability.

School inclusion provides for the integration of students with special educational needs into classrooms regular, sharing the same experiences and learnings with students who do not have SEN, for example.

know more about Inclusion and inclusive education.

In this case, however, schools need to be prepared to provide the necessary support for these students, whether in the infrastructure of the institution (ramps, signs, elevators, etc.) and, mainly, in the training of teaching professionals for this type of follow-up. It is the role of the educator to be prepared to educate the most different types of individuals.

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Denying education to children and young people for whatever reason is crime, as it is also illegal to segregate students into groups that differ from other students. School inclusion - as the name suggests - aims at integrating everyone, without distinctions and separations.

In fact, the article 208 of the Federal Constitution of 1988 says it is the State's duty to guarantee "specialized educational service for people with disabilities, preferably in the regular school system". The Child and Adolescent Statute (ECA) also ensures this right for all young people.

See also:meaning of social inclusion.
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