Meaning of Where Judas lost his boots (What they are, Concept and Definition)

Where Judas lost his boots is a popular Portuguese expression that is used to describe a very distant place, hard to reach or same inaccessible.

There are several expressions equivalent to "where Judas lost his boots", such as "where the wind turns", "at the end of the world", "in the back of Judas", "in the middle of nowhere", among others. - I don't know if I'll be able to go to João's party because he lives there where Judas lost his boots!

In English, "where Judas lost his boots" can be translated as "in the back of beyond" (typically British expression meaning "in the back of the beyond"), "in the boondocks" (the most used expression in the United States, which describes a sparsely inhabited area), "in the middle of nowhere" (in the middle of nowhere).

He lives in the boondocks / in the back of beyond / in the middle of nowhere - He lives where Judas lost his boots!

expression source

It is difficult to know the exact origin of the expression "Where Judas lost his boots". Many authors believe that the expression originated with the story of Judas Iscariot, the disciple who betrayed Jesus. Admittedly, the Bible does not mention Judas' habit of wearing boots, but a popular belief holds that Judas he would have hidden in a pair of boots the thirty coins he received from the Jewish priests as payment for betraying Jesus. When Judas's body was found (after hanging himself), it was barefoot, and legend has it that many tried to find the boots to keep the money, but without success. For this reason, "where Judas lost his boots" serves to describe a hard-to-find place, a faraway land.

However, the Bible states that Judas, moved by repentance, returned the coins to the Jewish priests before committing suicide. For that reason, wherever his boots were, they wouldn't contain the thirty coins. The Bible later mentions that the priests used the 30 pieces of silver to buy the Potter's Field, which became known as the "Field of Blood".

Where Judas lost his boots - Gisele Werneck

Where Judas lost his boots is a book written by Gisele Werneck, who was the first writer to contribute to the Que Viagem collection. This book is a survival manual for a place that doesn't exist and was released in 2010 during the Literary Ballad.

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