Meaning of District (What it is, Concept and Definition)

District is a term that characterizes the division of a region where there are borders, that is, where territorial divisions are the responsibility of one or more judges of law.

This division is based on the territorial area where a first-degree judge will exercise his jurisdiction and may cover one or more municipalities. This depends on the number of inhabitants and voters existing in that area, as well as other aspects, such as the type of forensic movement that exists in the region.

Each county can then have several judges or be represented by just one. In this case, he will have all the powers assigned to the first-degree body.

The place that corresponds to a judge's capacity is the court court. In small counties, a single court can handle all matters relating to justice.

However, the most common is that the counties have more than one court, which can be classified as first and second entry, in addition to the special region.

THE county of first entrance it is the smallest, where there is only one pole installed in the area. already the

county of second place has an intermediate size and the special region is one that has five or more courts in its area of ​​expertise, including special courts.

It is common for the first-entrance districts to be those located in inland cities and the special-entrance districts to be those located in capitals and metropolises. However, there is no hierarchy between the counties, no matter what.

The term may be replaced by synonyms such as: circumscription, jurisdiction, instance, forum, correction.

District and Forum

Despite being related terms, there is a difference between the meanings of county and forum.

The forum, which is also called the court, is the place where all matters related to justice are dealt with. The county, on the other hand, is the territorial area where a judge will exercise his jurisdiction.

Also know the meaning of Forum and Forum.

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