Contextualization is the action of establishing a context for a certain thing, usually in order to explain the reasons or precedent characteristics of a situation, for example.
Contextualization is important so that there is a correct understanding of a certain subject, as they are presented, in this case, the circumstances that help to form a full understanding about a topic and not so fragmented.
Some expressions can be used as synonyms of contextualization, how to: present the context; describe the context; reveal the circumstances; consider according to context; interpret according to the context.
As a rule, contextualization is one of the steps used in academic and scientific works (TCC, for example), with the objective of justifying and tracing a history of the object of study. With this, the author is able to build a logical path so that there is the correct development and analysis on the respective subject.
know more about TCC.
For a contextualization to be done, first of all, it is necessary to gather all the information that refers to a certain thing, either indirectly or directly. Thus, the researcher will be able to understand behavioral characteristics that influence their object of study, for example.
See also the meaning of contextualize.