Inep releases ENADE 2019 templates

The National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep) released this Tuesday, 26th of November, the preliminary feedbacks of the objective questions of the National Student Performance Examination (Enade) 2019. The tests were held last Sunday, 24th.

Download Enade 2019 tests and templates

Unlike Enem, Enade allows you to contest the feedback. Disputes must be sent to [email protected] by January 25, 2020. The definitive feedback and response pattern for the discursive questions are expected to be released after that date.

As of January 2, 2020, Inep will disclose the relationship between students in a regular situation and Enade. Participation in the exam will be recorded in the student's transcript, a requirement for graduation.

The result of Enade 2019 with the performance of students will be released from August 31st.

How was Enade 2019

This year, freshmen and graduates from the areas of Agricultural Sciences, Health Sciences and related areas participated in the Enade; Engineering and Architecture and Urbanism; and technology courses in the areas of Environment and Health, Food Production, Natural Resources, Military and Security. Approximately 9,000 courses of 29 degrees are being evaluated, offered by 1,953 higher education institutions.

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

The tests were applied only to graduates of courses that are part of Enade 2019. They had to answer 10 general training questions and 30 specific component questions, divided into discursive and multiple choice items.

Among the more than 430,000 enrolled in Enade, 390,365 students attended, an abstention of 10.4%. During the tests, 179 participants were eliminated for not complying with the rules of the notice.

the students of Medicine and Dentistry had the highest attendance rate, 97.8% and 96.1%, respectively. The courses of Speech Therapy, with 94.8%; Food Engineering and veterinary Medicine, both with 94.2%, were also above the attendance average (89.6%).

For more information, visit the Enade 2019 Notice.

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