The number 666 is quoted in the Holy Bible, like the beast number in Revelation 13:18. In the book of Revelation of St. John, God appears judging and destroying evil. In it appear mysterious images, figures and numbers.
The number 666 is the name of the beast that embodies evil and is represented in the image of a "Dragon with seven heads", which according to Revelation 12:9, aims to deceive the whole world. The beast causes everyone, small and large, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on the right hand or forehead, this mark is the name of the beast, represented by the number 666.
All people who bore the mark of the beast and all who worshiped the dragon image were cursed and their bodies were full of malignant and painful ulcers.
For Bible scholars, the apostle John, when quoting the beast, was referring to the Roman emperor Cesar Nero, who fiercely persecuted Christians in the first century. The number 666, as the numerical value of the letters in Hebrew, corresponds to the name of Cesar Nero.
By the time the book of Revelation was written, Nero had already died and who ruled Rome was Domitian, who also persecuted Christians and for them was the incarnation of Nero. Nero's wickedness was revived in the Emperor Domitian.
The image of the seven-headed dragon represented the seven hills of Rome, which lived under totalitarian, dictatorial and oppressive political power.
For the superstitious, the number 666 represents evil and does not bring luck, it is a number that should be avoided as it is just bad luck.
666, The Son of Evil
666, The Son of Evil, is a film shot in 2006, which tells of a terrible plane crash, in which all passengers died, except for a boy who came out of the rubble. He is then adopted by a childless couple, and soon shows his evil side. The child is the beast of the apocalypse and carries within him the beginning of the end.