Popular Meanings (217)

Definition of Poltergeist

Poltergeist is considered a supernatural phenomenon, characterized by physical manifestations practiced by supposed spirits and ghosts. Etymologically, poltergeist is a term of German origin,...

Definition of Oliguria

Oliguria is the medical term used to define a decrease in the amount of urine, also called urinary output. Oliguria is diagnosed when the urine volume is less than 400 ml in a...

Descriptive, exploratory and explanatory research

Descriptive, exploratory and explanatory research are classifications of scientific research that may vary according to the researcher's intended objective. All three use research methods...

meaning of guru

Guru is a term originating in Sanskrit and means "teacher". In Hinduism, one of the Indian religions, the term is used to designate a spiritual guide. The guru is the one who has high...

meaning of adrift

Adrift means at ease, aimlessly. It is a term originating from the Latin "levis". Aléu is an expression used to indicate when someone is idle, doing nothing, without important tasks or tasks,...

Meaning of Grounds

Ground is the basis and principle of something, the primordial rules or laws that regulate something. It can also refer to the cause, reason or explanation of something, as well as what it can serve as...

meaning of constitutional amendment

Constitutional amendment is an amendment made to a specific text present in the Constitution of a State, changing the bases of the law in a given matter. So that there is an amendment...

meaning of conviction

Conviction is the action of convincing, that is, stubbornly having an idea or opinion about something, absolutely believing what you believe and transmitting it to other people. Having conviction is the...

Meaning of Claim

To plead is a verb related to the action of discussing, debating, defending, contesting or demanding something. Typically, this term is often used in the legal field. When you say that determined...

Definition of evidentiary extension

The evidentiary delay occurs when the judge grants an increase in the period for the evidence of the case to be produced. It is a legal term especially used by Civil Procedural Law. Dilation...

Definition of autonomous

Autonomous is a person or something that acts autonomously, that is, on its own. It can be a self-employed worker, someone who works independently, without an employment relationship with any...

Meaning of Information

Information is the collection or set of organized data and knowledge, which can constitute references about a certain event, fact or phenomenon. In a general context, this set of...

Meaning of the halter vote

Halter voting is an ancient system of abusive, imposing and arbitrary political control, practiced during the period known as Coronelismo. The word “cabresto” comes from the Latin capistrum, which...

Meaning of social participation

Social participation is a concept that symbolizes the influence of individuals in the organization of a society. The concept of social participation is studied in sociology as a principle of...

meaning of tiete

Tiete is a term used in Brazil that designates someone as an admirer or fanatical admirer for someone, usually an artist, athlete or politician, famous people. Usually, they are people who...

Latest Meanings (340)

Definition of Waist GameFlexibility means having the flexibility to face something, getting out o...

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Latest Meanings (341)

meaning of noIt doesn't mean the same as saying, yes, of course. For it is not a polite way of an...

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What is LinkedIn?

When talking about social network, Facebook and Instagram are soon thought of, but today the subj...

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