Latest Meanings (291)

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Definition of Inference

Illation means deduction, supposition, inference. It is the act of reaching a final conclusion about certain facts or principles. It is to formulate a hypothesis through repeated reasoning. Illation,...

Definition of fine line

Fine line is an expression used to indicate the proximity or similarity between two distinct concepts. The adjective tenuous has its origin in the Latin tenuis and indicates something thin, thin, thin,...

Definition of Blase

Blasé (or blasée, in its feminine form) is an adjective in the French language, which classifies the attitude of a skeptical, apathetic or indifferent person. This word is the verb form in the past participle of...

Meaning of Gift

A gift is a favor, a benefit, a kindness. It is a goodwill given or received from someone. Obsequious, from the verb to obsequie, is to render gifts, provide services to, favor, treat...

meaning of alliance

Alliance is the act or effect of allying. It's a pact, an adjustment, an agreement. It is the harmonious union of things different from each other. Grammatically it is a feminine noun, originating from the French alliance...

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meaning of the old woman's bow

Do Arco da Velha is a popular Portuguese expression that means "fantastic", "incredible", "amazing". Often the complete expression is: "they are things from the old woman's bow". It is...

Definition of Pragmatist

Pragmatic is the usual, the practical, the customary, it is what is habitually practiced. It is an adjective that refers to what is done according to pragmatics, which is the set of rules, formalities or...

meaning of an alliance

An alliance means the union between two or more entities in favor of a common goal, which can be between people, companies, societies or countries. Alliance is the name of the ring used to designate the union...

meaning of foul

Chula is an expression that classifies that person who is ordinary, who is rude, rude, burlesque. It's a feminine adjective that is also used to qualify something that has little value, that is common, that...

Objection meaning

Objection means contestation, opposition, reply, obstacle. It is what is opposed, which is on the opposite side. Objection is a feminine noun. From the Latin “objectione”. Is it the act or...

Definition of Panacea

Panacea is a feminine noun that means a remedy that is attributed the ability to cure any kind of disease. Panacea is a word with origin in the Greek panákeia, where pan means...

meaning of rollout

Rollout is an English word whose literal translation is "roll out" or unroll. It is widely used in the business context, meaning the development of a technology or the implementation of a...

meaning of jargon

Jargon means a language that is not easily understood, in many cases because it is specific to a particular professional or sociocultural group. The term has its origins in the French word "jargon". The use of...

Definition of Trade-off

Trade-off or tradeoff is an expression in English that means the act of choosing one thing over another and is often translated as "lose-and-win". The trade-off implies a conflict of choice and...

Definition of Eivado

Eivado is a masculine adjective that refers to what has been corrupted, contaminated, deteriorated, cracked, weakened. Eivar is a direct transitive verb that means macular, crack, fail, infect,...

Latest Meanings (239)

Definition of EngagementEngagement is an English word that can mean “engagement” or “commitment”,...

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Popular Meanings (240)

Definition of IonizeIonizing is the action of separating or converting to ions. In the field of C...

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Popular Meanings (242)

Meaning of ExplainTo explain means to detail, to make it clear, to explain with development, in d...

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