Meaning of Please (What is it, Concept and Definition)

Please is an adverbial phrase in Portuguese, and it consists of a expression used to connote kindness, courtesy, delicacy and respect.

The correct way to write this expression is please (separate), and not "please”. By the way, "please” does not exist as an official word in the Portuguese language.

Usually, people use the “please” with the intention of indicating politeness and cordiality when requesting something or something from someone.

Example:"Please can I borrow a pencil?" or "Can you close the door, please?"

For this reason, the word “please” is classified as an “accessory term”, that is, it can be removed from a certain sentence or phrase, without altering its syntactic structure.

The “please” can be used at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the sentence, always being separated from the rest of the sentence by the use of commas.

gift is one of the most used synonyms for please, but it is often used in more formal communications.

Example:"Please, I ask that those present leave the premises".

In English, the expression “please” can be literally translated as “please”.

Learn more about the meaning of gift.

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