Meaning of Slurry (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Slurry is a dark and acidic broth, with a typical and unpleasant smell, resulting from the decomposition of organic matter deposited in large dumps and landfills.

The term slurry was previously used to designate the fatty substance, lard, taken from animals.

The slurry comes from the physical, chemical and biological reactions and processes of the waste, together with the rainwater that accumulates at the site.

Open-air garbage dumps, called dumps, receive garbage from cities without any treatment. They are located on vacant lots, far from urban centers and destined exclusively for this purpose.

The slurry that comes out of the dump, resulting from the decomposition of organic matter, infiltrates the soil carrying micro-organisms, heavy metals, nitrates, phosphates, in addition to other polluting substances, contaminating the groundwater (groundwater reservoir from rainwater infiltrated into the soil), and consequently streams and rivers.


At the landfill, the leachate is collected through the soil waterproofing process, which has a system drainage to capture the liquid, which is taken to the equalization tank in order to retain the metals heavy. Once clean, the water can return to the river, without presenting any risk to the environment,

See also

  • landfill

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