Encceja 2017: High School Results Now Available

The result of the National Examination for Certification of Skills for Young People and Adults (Encceja) 2017 was published this Monday, February 5th, for participants who took the teaching tests average.

Check out the result of Encceja High School

See too: Encceja 2017 - objective test scores were not released in 10 states

Participants who reached the minimum of 100 points in each objective test of Encceja High School and average of 5 points in the newsroom will have to apply for Certification at the Departments of Education or institutions associated with the Inep.

Participants who scored in one or more tests, but did not obtain the full certification grade, they can seek out the responsible bodies to request the declaration of proficiency in the areas in which they were approved. With that, in the next Encceja, all you have to do is do the tests where the grades weren't enough.

About 1.5 million participants took the Encceja exams on November 19, divided into elementary and secondary education.


Encceja High School had 30 questions on Natural Sciences and its Technologies and Human Sciences and its Technologies during the morning and 30 questions on Languages ​​and Codes and their Technologies and Mathematics and their Technologies, in addition to Writing, during the period of evening.

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Encceja's certificate is legally valid as well as those of traditional high school. Successful candidates will be able to take entrance exams or competitions that require the completion of their studies.

Elementary School

Participants who took the Encceja do Elementary School will be able to access their results in the month of March. The required score is the same as in high school and certification is also given by the Department of Education and partner institutions.

The tests consisted of 30 questions about Natural Sciences, History and Geography in the morning and another 30 questions about Portuguese, Modern Foreign Language, Arts, Physical Education, Mathematics, in addition to Writing, during the evening.

deprived of liberty

Participants deprived of liberty, regardless of their level of certification, will also have access to the notes in March of this year.

The score will be delivered to the pedagogical coordinators of prisons or socio-educational units across the country.

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