Popular Meanings (213)

Definition of Public Health

Public Health is the set of measures carried out by the State to ensure the physical, mental and social well-being of the population. At the international level, public health is coordinated by the Organization...

Definition of Infanticide

Infanticide is the masculine noun that indicates the voluntary act of killing a child. Infanticide is usually committed against a newborn. In the Brazilian penal code, infanticide is...

meaning of analysis

Analysis is the detailed examination of a particular subject or subject, noting all the details that make up each part of a whole. In short, an analysis is the same as a detailed study of something,...

meaning of poverty

Poverty is the condition of those who are poor, that is, those who do not have the basic conditions to guarantee their survival with quality of life and dignity. Poverty also usually refers to social class...

Definition of Wellies boring

Chato de galochas is an idiomatic expression of the Portuguese language and means someone extremely boring or with socially unpleasant behavior. It is the case of a special boring, an upgrade of the boring...

Definition of TOC

OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) is a psychiatric disorder designated as a generated disorder. by compulsive thoughts that generate anxiety causing discomfort or suffering in the individual...

Meaning of Sunset

Sunset means sunset or west. Sunset is the time when the sun sets over the horizon, heading west. Sunset is the event that precedes the night. Sunset is checked every day and on...

Definition of Intrapreneurship

Intrapreneurship is a type of entrepreneurship that consists of the practice of employees have the ability to act as owners of the business, helping to move the creation in...

Definition of elementary school

Elementary education is one of the levels of basic education, mandatory in Brazil. It lasts for nine years and is mostly aimed at people aged between 6 and 14 years. O...

Definition of Fragrant and Flagrant

Flagrant and fragrant are two paronyms in the Portuguese language, that is, they have similar spelling and pronunciation, but with completely different meanings. The adjective "fragrant" refers to...

5 Characteristics of Surrealism

Surrealism was an avant-garde artistic movement that emerged in Paris, at the beginning of the 20th century, to confront the rationalism and materialism of Eastern society. Among the features that...

Meaning of the Flag of Argentina

The flag of Argentina is one of the main official symbols of the Republic of this country, representing the Argentine people before other world nations. Currently, the official flag of Argentina has the...

Definition of Literacy

Literacy is defined as the learning process where the ability to read and write properly and use this skill as a code to communicate with your quite...

Geographic space

Geographic space, in geography, is the place of interaction between natural and cultural elements. Natural elements are produced by nature itself and cultural elements are produced by beings...

Characteristics of Cubism

Cubism is an artistic movement that emerged in France at the beginning of the 20th century. Cubist works sought to represent elements of nature through geometric shapes, especially cubic ones...

Portuguese language (9)

Definition of AppellantRecurrent is an adjective that qualifies what happens again after having a...

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Portuguese language (6)

Meaning of vice versaVice versa is an adverb used to indicate something whose order is reversed f...

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Carlos Neto (Social Scientist)

Graduated in Social Sciences from FFLCH-USP (Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences of...

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