Popular Meanings (307)

meaning of border

A boundary is a physical or artificial line that separates geographical areas and is known primarily for being political boundaries and separating countries. A boundary also describes the area...

meaning of oss

Oss or Osu is a phonetic expression created by the Japanese Naval School and is considered polysemic because it has numerous meanings. In a general sense, Oss represents expressions such as "yes", "thank you",...

Definition of Design Thinking

Design thinking is a practical-creative approach that aims to solve problems in various business areas, especially in the development of products and services, acting based on...

Definition of TCU

TCU is the acronym for the Court of Accounts of the Union, a government institution that oversees accounting, budgetary, financial, operational movements and assets belonging to...

Definition of Ionizing

Ionizing is the adjective from the scope of Physics that indicates the ability to ionize, or something that ionizes. Ionization is a natural phenomenon, consisting of the action of an ionizing element. The atoms...

Meaning of Extraordinary Resource

The extraordinary appeal (RE) is a procedural appeal used to ask the Federal Supreme Court (STF) to challenge (discussion) a decision on constitutional issues. This feature is used...

Definition of agglutination

Agglutination is a word that means union, mixture, combination or fusion. It can be used to express the union of objects, words, people and so on. The term is also applied in the study of Language...

Definition of decoy

Bait is a kind of bait used in hunting and fishing that serves to attract animals, especially birds or fish. It is usually prepared with the objective of attracting the animal's attention,...

cultural landscape

Cultural landscape is a landscape that combines cultural and natural elements within a territorial cut. Also called an anthropic or humanized landscape, the cultural landscape is the result of...

meaning of good spot

Boa pinta is an expression of Brazilian slang, meaning "beautiful" or "elegant". This expression is used to describe someone with good looks and presentation and is often a form used by...

Definition of Rightsizing

Rightsizing is an organizational and administrative strategy technique that aims to re-adapt the company to market trends, enabling it to constantly follow its evolution. THE...

meaning of atheist state

Atheist state is a concept of a nation where the government (the state) does not believe in the existence of God and any other deity or spiritual entity. There are many controversies involving the correct definition...

meaning of chief

Chief is a term used to designate the Indian who is responsible for an Indian tribe. The chief is a kind of political "chief" of the tribe, responsible for organizing and taking care of related issues...

Definition of Biopsychosocial

Biopsychosocial is a model of medicine that studies the cause and evolution of diseases considering biological, psychological and social aspects. It is opposed to the biomedical model, which is centered...

Definition of Geographical Determinism

Geographical determinism is the belief that the environment determines the patterns of human culture in a given place and its social development. In this case, they are mainly taken into account...

Popular Meanings (57)

Definition of PollutionPollution is any alteration caused to the environment, which can be a natu...

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Latest Meanings (56)

Definition of E pluribus unumE pluribus unum is a Latin expression meaning “one among many”, and ...

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Latest Meanings (57)

Definition of HeterotrophsHeterotrophs are living beings that are not able to produce their own f...

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