Latest Meanings (327)

Meaning of Apt

Apto is a term applied to what satisfies a previously imposed requirement for the execution of a certain activity. When it applies to someone, it means they are prepared to do the job...

Meaning of Contribution

Contribution means subsidy, contribution. It is a term widely used in business. Contribution is mostly used as a financial contribution, money or help used for a certain purpose...

meaning of Apollo

Apollo means beauty, elegance and harmony. In Greek mythology, Apollo is the god of the sun, beauty, the arts, poetry, music, prophecy and the bow and arrow. He is physically described as a tall young man...

Meaning of Literally

Literally it means to give the exact, precise, literal meaning. The same as literally. It is an idiom used to refer to the faithful interpretation of what has been said or read. Example:...

meaning of sweetheart

Sweetheart is an English word whose literal translation into Portuguese is "sweet heart" and can mean beloved, love. Sweetheart can be a noun or adjective and consists of a compliment or a...

meaning of tense

Tense has different meanings, depending on where it is used. Tense can be something stretched out forcefully, which has been stretched. Tense is also an adjective for an individual who is extremely focused, your...

meaning of at least

At least it means at least, when more is not, or when less. The expression is usually used accompanied by a new situation, indicating that something did not happen as expected. Per...

meaning of adrift

Adrift means at ease, aimlessly. It is a term originating from the Latin "levis". Aléu is an expression used to indicate when someone is idle, doing nothing, without important tasks or tasks,...

meaning of calendar year

Calendar year is the period of 12 months that corresponds to 365 days of the year, counted from January 1st to December 31st. The Brazilian calendar year was defined in Law No. 810, of September 6, 1949, sanctioned...

meaning of android

Android is the name of the Linux-based operating system that operates on mobile phones (smartphones), netbooks and tablets. It is developed by the Open Handset Alliance, an alliance between several companies, including...

meaning of self love

Self-love is the love that people have for themselves. Often people, because of old weaknesses, more recent crises, are unable to defend their interests to satisfy their...

meaning of sweet

Sweet is an English word that means "sweet" in Portuguese. Depending on the context and how it is used, it can be an adjective or a noun. When used to describe the taste of some...

Definition of Secret Friend

Secret Friend is a very traditional game, which usually takes place around Christmas time, and consists of exchanging gifts with other people, but they do not know who took them and what will to win...

Definition of friend of the jaguar

Friend of the jaguar is the individual who proves to be a friend, and at the same time, he is someone who cannot be trusted, as he is a false person, who betrays friendships, hypocritical and unfaithful. The origin of the term friend of the jaguar...

Definition of Allure

Allure means a person's way of looking, it is a term of French origin. The word was immortalized by stylist Coco Chanel and her creations. Allure is a word closely linked to elegance,...

What is sport?

Sport is all competitive physical activity with well-defined rules and goals. Sports can be pract...

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Tié Lenzi (Master in Legal-Political Sciences)

Degree in Law and Master in Legal-Political Sciences. She loves to talk and understand how things...

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Stella Sousa (Bachelor in Social Communication

Graduated in Social Communication, with specialization in Public Relations from the State Univers...

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