Meaning of Neutral Colors (What they are, Concept and Definition)

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Neutral colors are the White, O black, and the different ones shades of gray, principally.

However, it can also be all other undertones of other colors (weaker shades, affected by mixing with white or black), the most common being beige and brown.

Normally, neutral colors are usually used as a complement to other colors. In addition, among the main characteristics of neutral colors is the fact that they have low intensity, reflex and energy.

Neutral colors

The “absolute” neutral colors, that is, white and black (even though they are not scientifically considered colors) are, respectively, the sum of all colors and the total absence of color.

Also learn more about the meaning of Primary colors, of the Secondary colors and of the Tertiary Colors.

complementary colors

Visualization of complementary colors is facilitated through the color wheel. In this drawing, the colors that appear in opposition are those that present the greatest contrast and, therefore, are considered complementary.

Neutral colors can be originated from the combination of complementary colors, that is, that present total contrast to each other.

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See also the meaning of the hot and cold colors.
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