Meaning of Nirvana (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

Nirvana is a word from the context of Buddhism, which means the liberation state reached by the human being when going through his spiritual quest.

The term has its origins in Sanskrit and can be translated as "extinction" in the sense of "cessation of suffering".

One of the fundamental themes of Buddhist doctrine, in the broadest sense, nirvana indicates an eternal state of grace. It is also seen by some as a way of overcoming karma.

It is a renunciation of material attachment that does not elevate the spirit and only brings suffering. Through meditation, it is possible to go through the fundamental steps to reach nirvana, considered as the last step to be reached by practitioners of the religion.

read all about Buddhism.

Nirvana is used in a more general sense to designate someone who is in a state of wholeness and inner peace, unaffected by outside influences. It is also used with the sense of annihilation of certain negative personality traits, because the person can get rid of torments such as pride, hatred, envy or selfishness, feelings that afflict the human being preventing him from living in peace.

Figuratively speaking, nirvana is often a word used in a derogatory sense, indicating a state of apathy or inertia.

Nirvana (rock band)

Nirvana is the name of a rock band created in Aberdeen (Washington State), United States, having as main vocalist and guitarist the legendary Kurt Cobain. It was a very successful band in the 80s and 90s of the 20th century. The band was disbanded with the suicide of its leader Kurt Cobain in 1994. After his death several records were released, perpetuating the band's success among fans.

On September 24, 2011, the band's second album, Nevermind, which contains one of their most famous songs “Smells Like Teen Spirit”, completed 20 years of release.

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