Kiss is a gesture of greeting between two people, expressed through a kiss which represents a sign of friendship or conciliation, widely used among members of a Christian community.
Etymologically, the word kiss emerged from latin osculum, which means "little mouth" or "kiss".
In the field of biology and botany, the osculum is an exhaling orifice of sponges (porifers), through which passes the stream of water, and which is found at the free end of the body of these animals that live in the oceans.
holy kiss
O holy kiss, also known as "kiss of peace", was a form of fulfillment created by Jesus Christ, according to the Christian religion.
The act consists of kissing another person on the cheek, as a sign of brotherhood. With the lips pressed together, the kiss is described as just a subtle touch to some part of the person's face.
The holy kiss is a very common greeting among members of a Christian community. The Pope, bishops, priests and other members of the church, for example, use the kiss as a way to greet each other.
The apostles Peter and Paul describe and recommend the use of the holy kiss in various quotations throughout the books of the Christian Bible.
Eyeglasses and Amplexes
The expression "oculus and amplexus" means "kisses and hugs".
While the word osculo means "kiss", the term embrace I mean "hug", deriving from the Latin amplexus, which means "outline", "circuit", "hug".
Attachment is a very common sign of affection among human beings, consisting in keeping the arms intertwined between the other's body, maintaining a physical approximation.