Latest Meanings (233)

meaning of eureka

Eureka is an interjection that means “found” or “discovered”, an exclamation made famous worldwide by Archimedes of Syracuse. It is usually pronounced by someone who has just met...

meaning of Chan

Chan is a form of treatment typical of the Japanese language, used when there is a very affectionate relationship between two people. Literally, the suffix chan can be translated as “sweetheart”,...

meaning of kun

Kun is one of the forms of honorific treatment that exists in Japan, mainly used to designate those who are young and male. The kun suffix can still be used when an individual...

meaning of sama

Sama is an honorific title used in the Japanese language, used at the end of a proper name, giving it a high distinction. The suffix sama gives a sense of nobility and superiority, used...

Definition of Nissei and Sansei

In Japanese, “sei” means generation, and “issei” means first generation in Portuguese. Issei is the Japanese who emigrates to another country. When an issei has a child in another country, the child is a...

meaning of Senpai

Senpai is a Japanese word used to refer to an older or more experienced person. It is a very common form of treatment in the professional sphere but also in schools,...

Definition of Compound Interest

Compound interest is the interest for a given period added to the principal to calculate new interest in subsequent periods. Compound interest is part of math subjects and concepts...

meaning of indie

Indie is an abbreviation of the term independent in English, which means "independent", in Portuguese, and refers to the product or cultural style that escapes the large masses, productions, companies or...

meaning of flatter

To flatter is a direct transitive verb in Portuguese, used in the sense of practicing adulation or flattery with the purpose of conquering something in return, as a reward. The flattery - the...

Meaning of For English see

The expression “para Inglês ver” is commonly used in Portuguese in the sense of something that is apparent, but not valid or real. There are some theories about the emergence of this saying, in the...

Definition of Ostrich Stomach

The popular expression “ostrich stomach” is used to define that person who can and likes to eat a lot, in addition to not having many restrictions on what they eat. In short, an individual...

Definition of Elephant Memory

“Memória de elephant” is an idiomatic expression in the Portuguese language, which is used to refer to people who have a good memory, who do not forget things easily. It is...

Definition of Keeping under lock and key

“Guarding with seven keys” is a popular expression in the Portuguese language, used in the sense of “something that is very well protected” or “a very well kept secret”. According to records...

meaning of near east

Near East or Near East is the name of a geographic region that covers different countries in Southeast Asia. The term was originally applied to the Balkan States in Eastern Europe,...

Definition of Crocodile Tears

“Crocodile tears” is an idiomatic expression of the Portuguese language, used in the sense of “fake crying”, that is, someone who pretends to be crying. Saying that a certain person is...

Latest Meanings (166)

meaning of thicknessThickness is the same as thickness, that is, the condition of something that ...

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Latest Meanings (168)

Definition of EbenezerEbenezer means stone of help, or gratitude, is a term in Hebrew. Ebenezer i...

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Popular Meanings (171)

Definition of NeocolonialismNeocolonialism represents the political, economic, cultural and socia...

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