Construction workshop between parents and children

A good suggestion for children's day is for the family to make games and toys together, using disposable and recycled materials, such as pet bottles, cardboard boxes, sock balls, etc.

In addition to being a great time for family integration, it becomes a moment of pleasure and a lot of creativity.
We brought you some tips and ideas that you can use.

- back-and-forth: for this toy you will need the spout of two 2-liter pet bottles. Then, using only the nozzle part, snap them together. Decorate as you like. Take two nylon ropes, the ones used for clotheslines, and pass them inside the bottles, from one nozzle to the other. At the ends, tie stubs of wood, which can be cut from broom handles.

-cineminha: using a cardboard box, decorate it as if it were a television and make a window where the movie will be played. Place one stick attached to the top (side to side) and another stick to the bottom. Prepare the film by splicing sheets of bond paper, assemble the film with drawings and figures cut out of magazines. When the story is ready, just put it rolled up on the bottom stick and wind it up so that people watching can see it. One person shows the film and another narrates it.

- yo-yo or hits back: cut the bottom of two 600 ml pet bottles, leaving them 3cm high. Take some colored paper and wrap some sand, making a small package that fits inside the two pieces together. Splice them with duct tape and decorate as you like. Tie the soda ring to the end of a piece of lastex (very thin elastic) and the other end to the ball, putting more masking tape over it. Put the ring on your finger and make moves down and up the ball that should come back and hit the hand to get more momentum.

- Gira-rota: on a piece of cardboard, scratch a circle 10 cm in diameter. Decorate it by painting with gouache paint. Mark the center of the circle and make a hole at the 4 cm mark and another at the 6 cm mark, that is, they are next to the center point of the circle. Thread 40 cm string through each of the holes and tie a soda ring at each end, joining the strands together. To rotate the disk, hold a ring in each hand, place the disk in the middle of the string, and rotate your hands forward to wind the string. Then lightly pull the rings to turn the disk.

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

- bowling: you will need 12 600ml pet bottles. Take ten bottles and decorate them however you like. Using the other two bottles, form a ball, cutting the bottoms of the bottles and seaming them with masking tape. Arrange the bottles on the floor in a triangle shape and mark the distance to throw the ball by making a line on the floor using masking tape. Just throw and try to drop the bottles.

- get the ball: for this toy you will need two 2-liter pet bottles. Cut the beak part, leaving another piece of about 5cm, so that the ball stops inside. Decorate the parts however you like. The ball can be made with women's socks (already worn and pierced). Arranged face to face, at a distance of about three meters, one player throws the ball and the other must catch it with his pocket.

- animated mobile: using E.V.A. in various colors, cut out geometric shapes, flowers, hearts, etc., approximately 5cm in size. Drill a hole at the top and another at the bottom of each figure. Using five nylon threads, the size you want the mobile, put it on a needle and go through the same, in a sewing movement, through the holes in the figures, leaving them all decorated. Then just stick it on the ceiling of your room and enjoy the beauty of it.

- bilboquê: take a roll of toilet paper and decorate it however you like. Make a ball of newspaper, tie it with string about 60 cm long, cover with masking tape, paint and let dry. Once dry, tie the other end of the string to the edge of the roll. Then just hold the roll and throw the ball up, trying to fit it into the hole.

By Jussara de Barros
Graduated in Pedagogy
Brazil School Team

Children's Day - Brazil School

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BARROS, Jussara de. "Construction workshop between parents and children"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 29, 2021.

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