Meaning of PGU (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

PGU is an acronym that corresponds to Single General Record, which is the registration number of the National Driver's License, or driver's license, which was issued between 1891 and 1994.

Medical record, grammatically, is a masculine noun, which means a record with a person's background. It was the name used to designate the National Driver's License, which is an official and mandatory document for every land motor vehicle driver.

PGU is also an acronym that corresponds to Attorney General of the Union. Attorney is the attorney's office. Union is the legal entity of public internal law. It is an autonomous federative entity, which has administrative and legislative competence, determined by the constitution, in relation to the States, Municipalities and the Federal District.

Attorney General of the Union, is a body that brings together the Attorneys of the Union, which are the enforcement bodies of the Attorney General's Office. These bodies include the Union's Attorneys who are responsible for their judicial representation, before the various bodies of the Judiciary Power throughout the country.

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