Meaning of Homicide (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Murder is the masculine noun meaning the act of killing a person, whether voluntarily or involuntarily. It is synonymous with murder or murder.

The word homicide is formed by homo (refers to man) and cide (which indicates extermination or death), meaning the act of killing a human being.

In the Brazilian Penal Code, homicide is addressed in articles 121 to 128 and is included in crimes against the person and in the chapter on crimes against life. Some of the types covered are: simple homicide (with a penalty of 6 to 20 years), aggravated homicide (sentence from 12 to 30 years) and manslaughter (1 to 3 years imprisonment).

Preterintentional or preterdolescence homicide it falls within the scope of involuntary homicides and occurs when there is no intention to kill, only to cause harm. For this reason, it is considered that there is indirect intent, because the injury inflicted was the cause of death.

willful murder

Willful murder is the crime where it exists deceit, that is, it is practiced with the intention of killing. In this chance, the person is fully aware of the consequences of his actions.


Manslaughter is the act of causing the death of a person without intending to kill. There is guilt, because the fact is that the person died, but there is no intent, the intention to kill. This is the case of negligent homicide.

aggravated homicide

Murder is qualified when it reveals a particularly reprehensible or perverse attitude on the part of the practitioner. It may be when the murderer tortures his victim, increasing his suffering.

It can also be considered qualified when the motive for the murder is related to discrimination (racial, sexual or religious). Premeditation of murder can also be a factor that qualifies you as qualified. For example, a person who poisons another could be tried for aggravated murder.

The factors that determine the murder, such as the motive, means, or when it is done to cover up another crime, are called qualifiers. If a homicide has two qualifiers it is considered doubly qualified, if it has three qualifiers it is triple qualified.

privileged homicide

Privilege murder presupposes the lessening of the guilt of the murderer in question. Murder is considered privileged when it is possible to prove that the act was committed thanks to a situation of despair, compassion or violent compulsion. One of the examples could be the case of euthanasia.

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