Creativity is the qualification that designates a person who is able to imagine, invent and carry out something new and original. Creativity is not a gift, but a consequence of those who seek information, who are curious about and sensitive to news.
But how to be creative?
Avoid noise, excesses in general, stress, negativity;
Develop solutions for any problems;
Sleep at least eight hours to rest your brain;
Be humorous;
Write down everything you find interesting;
Watch what happens around you;
Be bold, don't be afraid to take chances;
Write down at least one idea a day, even if you think it's silly;
Listen to what people say and take advantage of words;
Choose a place and a time to walk outdoors and think.
Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)
Creativity goes hand in hand with error, so the fact of making a mistake should not be hopeless or disheartening, as with error we learn and by making mistakes we gain wisdom that is capable of turning a simple man into a brilliant creative.
By Gabriela Cabral
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DANTAS, Gabriela Cabral da Silva. "How to be creative?"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 29, 2021.