Gardenia is a flower originating in China, which can signify purity, sincerity, sweetness and can also be the symbol of a secret love. This ornamental plant belongs to the rubiaceae family and...
Hieroglyph is an extinct model of pictographic writing, used mainly by ancient Egyptian society and by some Native American groups such as the Maya and the Aztecs. The hieroglyphic language...
Azucena is a plant that can correspond to the Amaryllis, Hippeastrum, Worsleya and Zephyranthes genus, of the Amarylidaceae family. The flower of this plant originating in South America is also known...
Camellia is a plant whose scientific name is Camellia L. which belongs to the family Theaceae. This plant has a beautiful flower that is used a lot in decorative terms. Regarding the meaning of...
Azalea is a shrub of the genus Rhododendron of Chinese and Japanese origin, with dark green leaves and abundant flowering. This flower was declared as one of the symbols of the city of São...
Forgiveness is the characteristic of someone who is indulgent, that is, who finds it easy to forgive mistakes made by other individuals. Indulgence is related to mercy, tolerance and forgiveness,...
Chrysanthemum, common name given to Chrysanthemum, is a plant that belongs to the Asteraceae family, also known as Compositae. In Asia this plant is highly cultivated and esteemed. Are known more...
Agronomy is an agrarian science that appropriates several areas of knowledge (exact, natural, social and economic sciences) in order to act in agriculture and agribusiness. You...
Exodus is the name given to the departure of a group of people or an entire nation from one region to another. Exodus can be considered synonymous with emigration, as it is also related to action...
Quiproquó is the name given to a situation where a certain mistake is generated by mistake. The quibble is defined when someone confuses an object or situation for its total opposite, through a...
Availability is the condition or quality of something or someone that is available, that is, free and unoccupied from certain functions or obligations. Usually, the idea of availability is...
Exempt is an adjective that qualifies something or someone who is dismissed, released or free from a certain situation or condition. This term can also refer to the individual who has a...
Bodily dysmorphia (or Image Distortion Syndrome) is a psychological disorder that causes the individual to be deeply disturbed by “imaginary or trivial defects” in their body. Too...
Anorexia is the reduction or loss of appetite that results in an individual's extreme thinness. Anorexia is caused by psychological disorders in which the affected person, even being thin, looks fat and,...
Bulimia is an eating disorder that causes a person to overeat and then continue to induce vomiting, or use other resources such as taking laxatives, taking a long time course...