Popular Meanings (130)

meaning of omniscient

Omniscient means one who knows everything. It is an adjective of two genders, which qualifies that person whose knowledge is unlimited, who dominates any science. The omniscient word is formed from the prefix of...

meaning of parody

Parody consists in the recreation of an existing work, from a predominantly comic point of view. In addition to comedy, parody can also convey a critical, ironic or satirical content...

Definition of Unborn

Unborn is one who will be born, who was begotten and not yet born. It is considered synonymous with the fetus and there is great controversy if, even though it is alive, a fetus can be considered a human being and...

Definition of Pupil

Pupil is a term derived from the Latin "pupillu" meaning "orphaned child". It is a term used to refer to an orphaned child or adolescent who is in the care of a...

meaning of punk

Punk is a countercultural artistic movement, disseminated mainly through music and its ideology that defended anti-authoritarianism, anarchic freedom, opposition to consumerism, in between...

meaning of SOS

SOS is the universal distress code, used as a message to alert you when someone is in a life-threatening situation and needs help as soon as possible. What many people don't know...

Definition of Offline

Offline (or offline) is an English language term whose literal meaning is "offline" and can also qualify something that is offline or disconnected. It is commonly used to designate...

Definition of Psychosocial

Psychosocial refers to the relationship between social life from the point of view of psychology. It consists of a field of study that covers aspects of social life together with clinical psychology. Accordingly...

Meaning of Couple 20

Casal 20 is an expression that became popular after the American series, Hart to Hart, which here in Brazil became known as “Casal 20”, and was a great success in the 80's. The series tells the story...

Definition of Caboclo

Caboclo is the designation given in Brazil to the individual who was generated from the miscegenation of an Indian with a white man. This name is also used to describe the figure of the man from the hinterland...

meaning of dynasty

Dynasty is the period of succession, in which kings and queens, belonging to the same family, remain in power. The word dynasty comes from the Greek term dynasteia, which means power, lordship and command...

Definition of Exception

Exception means something that is not common, that is not part of the rules. The exception occurs when something out of the ordinary happens, an unprecedented fact, which was not done or known before, and a...

Definition of Absolute Population

Absolute population is the total number of inhabitants of a place (country, city, state, etc.). When a certain place has a large number of inhabitants, we say it is “populous” or large...

5 Selfless Attitudes That Changed the World

The world would be a much more beautiful place if we all practiced altruism. By the way, do you REALLY know what that means? Being altruistic is helping others, that is, being supportive of emotions and...

Definition of Anti-Semitism

Anti-Semitism is hatred and prejudice against the Jewish people and their culture, that is, a form of xenophobia. Etymologically, the term anti-Semitism means "aversion to the Semites" which, according to...

Latest Meanings (94)

meaning of llamaThe llama (scientific name: Lama glama ) is a mammal of the camel family ( cameli...

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Latest Meanings (95)

meaning of flirtingFlirting means flirting, flirting, is dating without consequences. Flirt is a ...

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Popular Meanings (102)

Definition of Logical ReasoningLogical reasoning is a process of structuring thought according to...

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