Meaning of Genome (What it is, Concept and Definition)

genome it is a genetic code, which has all the hereditary information of a being, and is encoded in DNA. It is the set of all different genes that are found in each nucleus of a certain species. In haploid chromosomal endowment, a nucleus has only one genome.

The term was coined in 1920 by Hans Winkler, a professor at the University of Hamburg. The human genome has the basic information necessary for the physical development of a human being, and is formed by the sequence of 23 pairs of chromosomes.

The genome is the sum of genes that define how a living being will develop and function. The genome is transmitted from generation to generation and determines the species of the living being, in the genome there are recorded hereditary characteristics responsible for directing the biological development of each individual. Hereditary diseases are also written in the genome. All living things, from the biggest ones, like the elephant, to the tiny ones, like bacteria, have a genome.

human genome

The Human Genome consists of the sequence of 23 pairs of chromosomes that are found inside the nucleus of every human diploid cell. The human genome is made up of approximately 27,000 genes.

The Human Genome Project was a project that had the objective of sequencing the human genome, identifying all the nucleotides that are part of it. In 2003, the institutions involved in this project announced that it was successfully completed and with an accuracy of 99.99%.


Due to the discoveries of science regarding the genome, cloning, which is the production of genetically equal beings, is already being carried out on a large scale. This production is the result of asexual reproduction, where genetically identical copies of the same living being are obtained, which are microorganisms, plants and even animals.

In July 1996, the first mammal was cloned from an adult cell. The animal was raised in Scotland by researchers at the Roslin Institute, gave birth to two offspring naturally, and died in 2003. Dolly is currently embalmed at the Royal Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh.

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