The climates in Brazil are quite diverse due to the territorial extension and the different characteristics of each region. Brazil's climates are: tropical, equatorial, altitude tropical, semiarid, tropical atlantic and subtropical.
The climate corresponds to weather variations in a given location and several factors influence its dynamics, such as vegetation formation, ocean currents, relief and air masses.
Most of Brazil is located between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn and for this reason it is called intertropical. In general, intertropical areas have a hot and humid climate and the thermal amplitude reduces as it approaches the equator.
Types of climate in Brazil
See the distribution of climates in Brazil on the map:
understand what it is climate.
Tropical weather
The tropical climate is semi-humid and occurs in central Brazil, predominantly in the Midwest. This climate has well-defined seasons, with mild, dry winters and hot, rainy summers.
The average temperature is above 20º C and the rainfall index varies between 1,000 mm and 1500 mm per year.
know more about tropical weather.
equatorial climate
The equatorial climate takes place in areas close to the equator. Its area corresponds to the Legal Amazon and covers the following states: Amazonas, Acre, Amapá, Pará, Rondônia and parts of Maranhão, Roraima and Mato Grosso.
Characterized by a hot and humid climate, with average temperatures between 24º C and 26º C. Air humidity is high and rainfall is abundant, reaching around 2,500 mm per year.
know more about equatorial climate.
Atlantic tropical climate
The Atlantic tropical climate is the climate of the coastal region of Brazil, which extends from Rio Grande do Norte to Rio de Janeiro. It has an average temperature between 18º C and 26º C and an average rainfall of 1,200 mm per year.
In the south and southeast the rains happen more frequently in the summer, while in the northeast the rainy season is during the winter.
semiarid climate
The semi-arid climate occurs in the northeastern hinterland and is quite dry due to the lack of rainfall, which occurs irregularly. The temperature in this region is high, with an average of 27º C and thermal amplitude of 5º C.
Learn more about caatinga.
Subtropical climate
It is the characteristic climate of the southern region and is called subtropical because it occurs in regions below the tropic of Capricorn. In addition to the southern states (Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul, parts of São Paulo and Minas Gerais also have this climate.
Winters are harsh and summers are hot and the average temperature in the region is below 18º C, with a temperature range between 9º C and 13º C. In the subtropical climate, rainfall is abundant and rainfall varies between 1,500 mm and 2,000 mm per year.
know more about subtropical climate.
high altitude tropical climate
It is the predominant climate in the mountainous regions of the Southeast: São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo. Temperatures in the region are low, the annual average temperature is below 18º C and it is in the summer that the rains occur more intensely.
See also the meaning of intertropical zone and temperature and meet others types of weather.