Definition of Carpe Noctem (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Carpe noctem is a Latin expression that literally means "enjoy the night" or "good night".

Just like the famous expression carpe diem, which means "seize the day", the term carpe night it is used in the sense of enjoying life and opportunities as much as possible, having fun even at night and after a tiring day at work.

The expression carpe night it has also been adopted by people with nocturnal habits and who also feel entitled to "enjoy life" every day, but not during the day.

As carpe diem, the expression carpe night, because of its significance, has gained great popularity in current Western culture. The Latin word is widely used to name musical bands, groups or teams, restaurants or bars.

Origin of carpe diem

The term was written by the Latin poet Horacio (65 a. C.-8 a. C.), in Book I of “Odes”, in which he advises his friend Leucone on the phrase: “...carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero". A possible translation for the phrase would be “...harvest today and trust tomorrow as little as possible”.

See too:

  • carpe diem
  • Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero
  • Latin phrases and their meanings

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