Meaning of In Memoriam (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

in memory is a Latin expression meaning "in memory" or "in remembrance". Usually present in obituaries, epitaphs, quotes and commemorative plaques.

This expression is often seen or printed in works of art and books, as a form of dedication to someone who has already passed away.

In the literary context, this expression represents a literary work published as posthumous homage, where texts for reflection and personal memories are often found, including some unpublished texts by the honored author. Some of these tribute works contain contributions from several other authors who knew the honoree, with the inclusion of some testimonies.

In some invitations it is also common to see the expression in memory. For example, in wedding invitations, when one of the parents of the couple has passed away, this expression is used to respectfully and lovingly indicate that they are no longer alive.

Many people have doubts about the correct way to write this expression, being undecided between in memoriam and in memory. The correct form is in memoriam, where in memory is wrong.

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