Meaning of Mantra (What it is, Concept and Definition)

mantra it is a anthem of Hinduism and Buddhism, which is said repeatedly and aims to relax and induce a meditative state in whoever sings or listens. A mantra is defined as a thought instrument.

The Veda books contain mantras that are in Sanskrit, are metric hymns that serve to praise the gods, and can be considered as a type of prayer or incantation. the hymns (or suktas) gave rise to collections of mantras (toilets), who crossed the Brahmanical period and were included in Buddhism and later in Tibetan Buddhism.

An example of the effectiveness of a mantra is the sacred syllable "om". The repetition of this syllable is probably the best known mantra, which serves to bring about a state of tranquility and inner peace.

Buddhists attribute a spiritual power to the mantras, which are considered sacred texts. Mantras were written thousands of years ago by Indian masters and gurus. There are several types of mantra, which can positively influence a person in different areas such as relationships, health, money, prosperity, etc. One of the best known mantras for attracting money and prosperity is


It is possible to listen to various mantras through the internet, and other songs that, despite not being in Sanskrit, have the same objective as the mantras, such as the song Mantra, by artist Nando Reis.

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