Meaning of Atheism (What it is, Concept and Definition)

atheism represents the categorical denial of the existence of deities and supernatural entities, that is, the presence of God or other gods in the Universe. Atheism is the opposite concept to theism.

atheism symbolsymbol of atheism

Atheism developed from the growth of ideas based on scientific skepticism and the spread of free thinking. The constant and growing criticism of religion also reinforced the atheistic arguments to gain strength and prominence.

However, it was not until the 18th century, with the Enlightenment, that the first individuals who declared themselves atheists began to appear. Currently, Sweden is the country with the highest concentration of atheists in the world, approximately 85% of the local population.

Learn more about Theism.

atheism it's not a religion, as it is not based on the basic precepts of religious doctrines, such as the belief in a superior being, the practice of rituals or other doctrinal rules, for example. Atheism is a philosophical view and position on life.

Etymologically, the word atheism originated from the Greek

atheos, which can be literally translated as "without god". Initially, this term, considered pejorative, used to be used to refer to people who did not believe in the gods that were worshiped by society at the time.

Learn more about the meaning of Atheist.

agnostic atheism

Also known as atheistic agnosticism it represents the embracing of the philosophical concepts of atheism and agnosticism.

Agnostic atheists believe that the existence of a deity is still unknown to the human beings and, for this reason, they do not believe in the gods that have been exposed so far along the story. For these people, it is necessary to prove the existence of a deity so that they can become believers in it.

Contrasting with the definition of the atheist agnostic is the theistic agnostic, who believes in the existence of deities, but that these are still unknown to humans.

Learn more about the meaning of Agnostic.

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