Popular Meanings (232)

Definition of Cabreiro

Cabreiro is a word used in Brazilian slang, an adjective meaning "distrustful", "fearing". In some contexts it can also be a word used to describe someone smart or cunning...

Definition meaning

Definition is a clear and concise explanation of something, it is the meaning. Definition is a feminine noun. From the Latin “definitione” which means an exposition with precision. High...

Definition of Dissolution

Dissolution is the action of dissolving, that is, ceasing to be united or breaking a commitment, causing a previously signed agreement to cease to have effect or validity. The dissolution of a marriage...

meaning of crime

A crime is an act that is prohibited by law and has a fixed penalty if it is carried out. It is an action performed by a person who goes against the law and receives a punishment. Crime is an attitude, which...

Definition of Chulo

Chulo means coarse, rude, ordinary. It is a masculine adjective also used to describe what has little value, which is worth a pittance. Chulo qualifies both an individual and a service, a...

Meaning of Malicious

Malicious is someone or something that possesses, acts or thinks with malice. Malicious is both an adjective and a masculine noun. As an adjective, it is the quality of what you think or act as an act of...

Definition of Prominent

Prominent is an adjective used to characterize something that is raised, raised, or protruding from some surface. The term relates to something that constitutes prominence, that is upright or that...

Definition of Octagon

Octagon, in geometry, is a polygon with eight sides, with eight internal angles and eight angles. external, so a regular octagon has all sides the same size and all angles to the same...

meaning of ostensive

Ostensive is the adjective that qualifies something or someone who exaggerates themselves, who likes to draw attention, who is showy, exuberant and extravagant. It can also refer to an action or attitude that...

meaning of zoeira

Zoeira is a feminine noun in the Portuguese language, referring to what is a disorder, such as shouting or an excess of fuss and confusion. The word zoeira can still be used to name...

Definition of Caliph

Caliph is a title attributed to the religious leader of the Islamic community, considered by Muslims to be one of the successors of the Prophet Muhammad. The caliph is the ultimate head of a caliphate, which consists of a...

Definition of Generation Z

Generation Z (also known as Gen Z, iGeneration, Plurals or Centennial ) is the definition given to the generation of people born between the beginning of the 90s and the end of the first decade of the 21st century...

examples of neologism

A neologism consists of a new word or expression, created to designate a new concept or object. The process of creating this word or expression is also called neologism. The creation of...

Definition of Plasma

Plasma is considered the fourth state of matter, according to physics. This is obtained from the overheating of gases, causing their molecules to break, producing ions and electrons...

Meaning of Score

Score is an English noun meaning score. In a game, the score defines the total points obtained by each player or team. In English computer games, the word score appears...

Latest Meanings (249)

meaning of oratoryOratory is the art of speaking well in public, eloquently, being a specific for...

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Popular Meanings (252)

Meaning of the Code of HammurabiCode of Hammurabi is a set of ancient Babylonian laws created in ...

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Popular Meanings (251)

meaning of megalopolisMegalopolis is a densely populated urban area made up of a set of large met...

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