Hectare is a unit of agrarian measure, also called square hectometer (hm2). It is the most used measure to calculate the size of agricultural areas, forests and natural areas.
The measurement is symbolized by "ha" and the count does not depend on the shape of the area.
1 hectare equals 10,000 square meters (m2) or to 100 ares.
See the table below for some examples of converting hectares to square meters:
Hectares (ha) | Square Meters (m2) |
1 | 10000 |
5 | 50000 |
10 | 100000 |
15 | 150000 |
20 | 200000 |
30 | 300000 |
40 | 400000 |
50 | 500000 |
70 | 700000 |
100 | 1000000 |
The price per hectare varies according to the region where the land is located. The highest values are in the states of Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul and Goiás. The lowest values are found in the states of Roraima, Piauí and Pará.
global acre
O global hectare (gha) is a worldwide measure used to verify the degree of productivity of land or water in a period of one year.
To calculate the global hectare, the following are taken into account: the capacity to generate resources and the capacity to absorb the residues produced.
Hectare and bushel
To make the conversion between the hectare and the bushel, it is necessary to know the region where the area is located, since the bushel is a measure with regional variation.
For example: 1 bushel from São Paulo is equivalent to 2.42 hectares, 1 bushel from Minas Gerais is equivalent to 4.84 hectares and 1 bushel from Bahia is equivalent to 9.68 hectares.
See more details about the meaning of Bushel.