Good mood at work

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In the search for results, organizations are increasingly investing in the concept of good humor. Selection processes are also permeated by this idea.

Providing a pleasant working environment is what experts in the field of human resources currently pronounce. A good mood at work favors interpersonal relationships, making them more pleasant; increases unity among the team; raises productivity; and eases stress, as it stimulates the production of hormones responsible for the sensation of pleasure.

After analyzing studies on the effects of good mood on social relationships, researchers from Universities Columbia and Missouri, in the United States, concluded that play in the workplace reduces the fatigue.

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The sense of well-being caused by laughter provides greater flow of ideas, more creative decisions and success in work, which can be observed from the improvement in the relationship, decrease in tension and increase in self esteem. Good humor favors learning, making it more effective.

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Keeping a good mood at work often becomes a challenge in less than satisfying working conditions. Coexistence, if worked, can remove the stressful atmosphere that often hangs in the corporate environment.

By Patricia Lopes

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LOPES, Patricia. "Good Humor at Work"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 29, 2021.

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