Homosexuality. Understanding homosexuality

Homosexuality refers to the situation in which sexual interest and desire is directed towards people of the same sex. It is one of the possibilities verified for the manifestation of human sexuality and affection.
Homosexuality can be related to several causes, such as genetic determination, proposed by geneticist Dean Hamer when discovering genes, designated by him as GAY-1. This hypothesis, although not accepted in the American scientific community, was defended, where the homosexuality is seen as a consequence of genetic variation, and not as an option or Lifestyle.
Daryl Bem, a psychologist at Cornell University (USA) when researching intra-family training concluded that some factors such as the type of relationship with the mother, with the father, the type of family investment can determine the homosexuality.
Psychoanalytic theory points out that homosexuality may be related to a strong bond with the mother, where a greater relationship is established with the latter for being more dominating, while the father is a figure passive.

Homosexuality is not understood as a medical or psychiatric disorder.

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Patricia Lopes
Brazil School Team

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

LOPES, Patricia. "Homosexuality"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/psicologia/homossexualidade.htm. Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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