Meaning of Existentialism (What it is, Concept and Definition)

existentialism is a philosophical doctrine centered on the analysis of existence and the way human beings exist in the world. It seeks to find the meaning of life through unconditional freedom, choice and personal responsibility.

According to this philosophical current, human beings exist first and then each individual spends his life changing his essence or nature.

This philosophical trend that emerged and developed in Europe between the two world wars (1918-1939) is characterized for centering its analysis on existence, understood not as fact or fact of being, but as individual reality worldly.

While it represents a humanist reaction against all forms of alienation, existentialism has a wide range of precursors: Socrates, St. Augustine, Maine de Bitan, etc. But, in a restricted sense, the origin of existentialism goes back to Kierkegaard, who, in opposition to the Hegelian speculative philosophy, projects a philosophy according to which the subject is vitally involved in his reflection and is not limited to an abstract objectification of the reality. Faced with this, he defends the irreducibility of human existence in relation to any idealizing or objectifying attempt.

Sartre's Existentialism

The main representative of atheist existentialism is Jean-Paul Sartre, having published significant works such as L'Existentialism is a Humanism ("Existentialism is a Humanism") of 1946 and L'être et Le Néant (The Being and the Nothing) of 1943.

According to Sartre, existence precedes essence, that is, it first exists and then determines its essence, through its actions and way of living life. Thus, atheistic existentialism was contrary to Christian existentialism, because man was responsible for defining his essence and not God.

atheist existentialism

Existentialism developed in two directions: one atheist and one Christian. Atheist existentialism declares that if there is no God, all universal foundation disappears, which gives rise to moral subjectivity. Then comes a feeling of anguish that reveals human frailty, its unique responsibility before any act and the need to guide free action to an individual self-project or commitment Social.

Philosophical existentialism exerted a great influence on theology (R. Bultmann), in the literature (A. Camus) and in psychiatry (Binswanger).

Christian existentialism

Christian existentialism focuses on communion and interpersonal love as a means of a moral transcendence of absolute presence. It insists on defending an anthropological perspective, although it does not admit atheistic immanentism. It is represented by K. Barth, G. Marcel and K. Jaspers.

See also the meaning of Humanism.

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