Meaning of Epistemology (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Epistemology, also known as the Theory of Knowledge, is the branch of philosophy that studies how the human being or science itself acquires and justifies its knowledge.

In other words, it is the study that seeks to find the necessary and sufficient conditions for the result of a specific statement.

The word epistemology comes from the Greek terms episteme, which means knowledge and logy, which means study and is also known as the philosophy of science.

Epistemology is concerned with answering questions such as:

  • How do we know the truth?
  • How do we separate true ideas from false ideas?
  • How do we acquire this knowledge or this statement?

For the Greek philosopher Plato, epistemology is opposed to belief, because it is a justified study and belief is just a subjective point of view.

At modern philosophy, epistemology is discussed by empiricist rationalists, provoking two different positions:

  • a empiricist states that knowledge must be based on experience, that is, on what is learned during life,
  • and the position rationalist, which states that the source of knowledge is found in reason, not experience.

Genetic Epistemology according to Jean Piaget

Genetic epistemology consists of a theory developed by biologist and philosopher Jean Piaget, where he states that genetics is the junction of two existing theories:

  • O apriorism, knowledge that does not depend on practical experience and,
  • O empiricism, where knowledge is acquired through practical experiences.

The genetic theory created by Piaget follows a genetic linearity, which follows the human being's development in 4 stages.

However, the biologist also states that each child has their own pace and different ways of learning, and may not follow the stages

The 4 stages are:

  1. Sensory-motor: from 0 to 2 years of age, this is when the child is in the phase of sensory operations, acquiring knowledge through the senses and developing skills based on these sensory experiences;
  2. Preoperative: from 2 to 7 years old, where the child still acquires knowledge through practice, but with meanings (active language) and intuition for what they still learn in practice;
  3. Concrete operative: from 7 to 12 years old, when the child starts to use logic, but only through objects and mathematical problem solving;
  4. Formal or abstract operative: from 12 years of age onwards, it is when the child starts to elaborate hypotheses and work with abstract knowledge, based on their own conclusions;

According to Piaget, knowledge is produced thanks to an interaction between the individual and his environment, according to structures that are part of the individual.

legal epistemology

Legal epistemology examines the factors that condition the origin of Law, and one of its objectives is to try to define its object of knowledge and assertions.

It is an area that is linked to reflection, which leads to an understanding of the various ways of understanding the concept of Law.

Legal epistemology also addresses the human being as a unique being, where each one has different ways of thinking and acting, and for this reason, the Law can have several interpretations.

See also the meaning of metaphysics and paradigm.

Convergent Epistemology

Convergent epistemology is a theoretical construction by the Argentine psychopedagogist Jorge Visca.

This area of ​​epistemology has this name because it converges influences from three fields: Psychogenetics, Psychoanalysis and Social Psychology.

This field is closely linked with psychopedagogy, approaching the aspects of the phenomenon of learning.

See more about the meaning of axiological and hermeneutics.

Difference between ontology and epistemology

While epistemology is concerned with the nature of knowledge, where it came from, how it was formed and what its bases, ontology, a branch of metaphysics, is concerned with identifying the things that really exist.

For example, ontology takes care to answer questions such as “what is the nature of existence?”, “is there a god?”, “what happens after death?”, while epistemology is concerned with the true bases of knowledge, for example: “how can we say that this is true?”, “because common sense arrived at this conclusion?".

See also the meaning of:

  • epistemological;
  • Gnosiology;
  • innateness;
  • Empiricism;
  • Ontology;
  • Phenomenology;
  • ontological.

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