Popular Meanings (225)

Definition of Setback

Regression is a term used to characterize the act or process of going back, back, back to the same path that was taken. The term is related to the process of backward displacement or...

Definition of Twerk

Twerk or Twerking is an English word, considered a contraction of the term footwork (a style of dance concentrated in the movement of the feet) or formed by the joining of the words "twist" (twist, to spin)...

Definition of Geodesy

Geodesy is the science that studies the Earth's dimensions, shape and gravity field, allowing us to analyze, measure and accurately represent the planet's geographic space. Geodesy is part of a...

Definition of Zeitgeist

Zeitgeist means epochal spirit, weather spirit or sign of the times. It's a German word. Zeitgeist is the set of the intellectual and cultural climate of the world, at a certain time, or the...

Definition of Baba egg

Baba ovo is a Brazilian slang used with the same meaning as the popular expression "sack kisser". Designates the individual who gives a lot of praise and flattery to another person usually with the intention of...

Definition of promissory note

A promissory note, also called a promissory note, is a type of credit instrument. In the promissory note, a person assumes that he owes a certain amount to another, and undertakes to pay that amount on time and...

Meaning of Participatory Democracy

Participatory democracy is a model for exercising power, where the population actively participates in taking the main political decisions. The idea of ​​participatory democracy (also known as...

Definition of GMT

GMT is the English acronym for Greenwich Mean Time whose meaning in Portuguese is Greenwich Mean Time. It is in Greenwich, a town to the south-east of London, that the Royal Observatory of...

meaning of unfortunately

Unfortunately it is an adverb so it is used to describe a situation that occurs unhappily, or sadly. Unfortunately and sadly they are synonymous with unfortunately, a word that serves to...

Definition of Septic Tank

Septic tank consists of an enclosed and buried underground for the purification of compounds domestic waste (solids and liquids) as part of the sewage treatment system Restroom...

Meaning of the expression at will

The expression at ease means without restrictions, when there is freedom of action. When a person is feeling good in the clothes they are wearing, in the place they are, or in the position they occupy, they...

Definition of Lowland Soccer

Lowland football is football played in an amateur way, without much organization. Várzea is a slang term for something informal, often low level, without much structure or support, either in relation to...

Definition of Fbf

Fbf stands for flashback Friday, which is an English term whose translation means "retrospective Friday". This term can also be translated as "Flashback Friday" or...

Definition of Kaleidoscope

Kaleidoscope is an optical instrument used to create symmetrical visual effects with the aid of a set of mirrors and colored glass. Currently, in addition to the recreational value it has, the...

Definition of Catupiry

Catupiry is a Brazilian registered trademark of curd. The origin of the word Catupiry is not very clear, but some authors claim that in Tupi-Guarani (Brazilian indigenous language), this word means...

Popular Meanings (328)

IntertextualityIntertextuality is a linguistic resource that makes a dialogue between two or more...

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Popular Meanings (329)

Remote sensingRemote sensing is the use of electromagnetic radiation to gather images and data ab...

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Popular Meanings (326)

Meaning of Straight PoemPoem em straight line is a work by Fernando Pessoa, signed by his heteron...

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