Art and Culture (8)

Definition of Omega

Omega is the name of the last letter of the Greek alphabet (the twenty-fourth). The term omega has the meaning of “end” when used associated with the first letter of the Greek alphabet “alpha”, for example,...


Carnival or Shrovetide are the three days of festivities that precede Ash Wednesday. It is a word that has its origins in the Latin "carna vale" and which means to say "farewell to meat". Carnival arrived in Brazil...

Legend meaning

Legend is a narrative transmitted orally by people, aiming to explain events mysterious or supernatural, mixing real facts, with imaginary or fanciful ones, and that will become modifying...

Definition of Hip Hop

Hip Hop is a popular culture that emerged among African-American communities in suburban New York in the 1970s. Music is the main artistic expression of hip hop, which also has...

meaning of fable

Fable is a literary composition in which the characters are animals that have human characteristics, such as speech, customs, etc. These stories are usually made for children and...

meaning of manga

Mangá is the name given to Japanese comics, which are characterized by being read from right to left, unlike conventional Western comics. Its origin is in the Theater...

Definition of Cooperative Games

Cooperative games are group dynamics that aim to raise awareness of cooperation and effectively promote help among people. In cooperative play, you learn to consider the other...

meaning of bossa nova

Bossa Nova is a Brazilian musical genre influenced by samba and American jazz. Bossa nova emerged in Brazil at the end of the 50's, in the intimacy of the apartments and nightclubs in the South Zone of...

What is string literature?

Cordel Literature is a literary manifestation from the interior of northeastern Brazil. It is a literary genre made in verse with meter and rhyme and characterized by orality and a language...

meaning of art

Art is the expression of an aesthetic ideal (that is, an ideal of beauty) through a creative activity. It is a universal human manifestation (exists in all cultures) that produces things...

meaning of string

Cordel are leaflets containing popular poems, displayed for sale hanging on ropes or twine, which gave rise to the name. Cordel poems are written in rhyme form and some are illustrated. You...

Popular Meanings (102)

Definition of Logical ReasoningLogical reasoning is a process of structuring thought according to...

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Latest Meanings (101)

3 Moving Stories about Human ResilienceWhat do you do when you are faced with a big problem? Run,...

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Latest Meanings (99)

Meaning of Social HierarchySocial hierarchy is the levels and positions of each individual within...

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