Meaning of Vocabulary (What it is, Concept and Definition)

vocabulary is the set of terms and expressions that belong to a language, but it can also refer to the group of known words of a certain person or group, be it social, age, regional, among others.

Vocabulary can be considered the same as glossary, lexicon or dictionary, that is, an accumulation of different words and their meanings.

Learn more about the meaning of Lexicon.

Vocabulary can be understood as the totality of words that belong to the language of a certain country, so as from the dialect of a certain people, and as the technical language that is typical of a certain group of professionals.

Example: medical vocabulary, mineiro vocabulary, Spanish vocabulary, English vocabulary, indigenous vocabulary and so on.

Each individual has their own vocabulary, formed by the combination of all the words they know, use and know their meaning.

When it is said that a person has a "rich vocabulary" or a "scholarly vocabulary", either say that you know and use a wide variety of words (words), as well as your meanings.

Vocabulary “wealth” is built according to the level of educational instruction a person receives throughout his life.

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