Society it is a set of beings that live with organized wayThe. The word comes from Latin corporations, which means "friendly association with others".
Human societies are studied by sociology and anthropology, while animal societies are studied by sociobiology and ethology.
The concept of society presupposes a coexistence and joint activity of man, consciously ordered or organized. It constitutes the general object of the study of the ancient sciences of the state, called today the social sciences. The concept of society is opposed to that of community when considering social relations as links of interests conscious and established, while community relations are considered organic articulations of formation Natural.
A human society is a collective of citizens of a country, subject to the same political authority, the same laws and rules of conduct, socially organized and governed by entities that ensure the well-being of this group.
Members of a society can be from different ethnic groups. They can also belong to different levels or social classes. What characterizes society is the sharing of interests among members and mutual concerns directed towards a common goal.
The term partnership can also refer to an institutional system formed by partners who participate in the capital of a company, for example, corporation, civil society, partnership by quotas, etc. In this aspect of business, a partnership is a contract by which two or more people are obligated to contribute goods or services for the common exercise of a certain economic activity, in order to share the profits resulting from this activity.
A group of people with common interests, who organize themselves around an activity, obeying certain norms and regulations, it is also called society, for example: physical society, merchant society, etc.