Latest Meanings (224)

meaning of zahir

Zahir is a word of Arabic origin that is translated according to Islamic philosophy as a concept of what is visible, apparent and exoteric (which manifests itself outwardly). The concept of zahir...

meaning of aleph

Aleph is the name given to the first letter of the alphabet of the Semitic languages ​​(Hebrew, Phoenician, Aramaic, Syriac and Arabic), which corresponds to Alpha, in the Greek language. In the Hebrew alphabet, aleph is...

meaning of absence

Absence is a noun in Portuguese referring to the action of removing and removing someone or something from a certain place or situation. Absence is the condition that an individual presents when he...

Definition of Prosperity

Prosperity is the state or quality of what is prosperous, that is, successful, happy and fortunate. Prosperity is a state that is coveted by almost all human beings, who wish to reach standards...

Definition of Supimpa

Supimpa is an adjective in Portuguese that qualifies something as “very good”, “excellent” or “great”. The word supimpa is commonly used as a popular slang in Brazil, mainly...

Definition of CPI

CPI is the acronym for Parliamentary Inquiry Commission, the name given to the investigation process led by the Legislative Power in order to investigate certain reports of irregularities in the sector...

Definition of Bullet

Balela is a word used in the informal vocabulary of the Brazilian Portuguese language as a synonym for a lie or information devoid of truth. A bullet is also the name given to a rumor or...

Meaning of Interface

Interface is the name given to the way in which “communication” takes place between two distinct parties that cannot connect directly. A software or operating system, for example, can be controlled...

Definition of Velcro

Velcro is the name given to a system of fasteners and clasps made from two parts. independent of joining fabrics, one consisting of small hooks and the other of rings lowercase that...

Definition of Hospitality

Hospitality is the act of hosting, that is, receiving and taking care of someone who belongs to a different environment than the host (person who provides accommodation). The concept of hospitality is very...

Definition of Operational

Operational is an adjective related to the operation and it is used to qualify something that is ready to work, that it is able to carry out operations. It also means operative and...

meaning of hero

Hero is the term attributed to the human being who performs exceptional actions, with courage and bravery, in order to solve critical situations, based on moral and ethical principles. Besides...

Definition of Thug life

Thug life is an expression in English that means “bandida life”, in the literal translation for the Portuguese language. However, according to the creator of this expression, the American rapper Tupac Shakur,...

meaning of debate

Debate is a discussion between two or more people, with the aim of exposing and clarifying divergent opinions or ideas. Theoretically, debates are spaces for groups or individuals with points of...

Definition of Catita

Catita is a term commonly used to refer to a thing or person that is elegant, friendly, funny and in good taste. It is usually a typical adjective to characterize mainly the...

Popular Meanings (236)

Definition of EffectiveEffective is an adjective that qualifies something or someone as capable, ...

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Latest Meanings (235)

meaning of okidokiOkidoki is an English expression used to express approval or agreement, equival...

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Latest Meanings (237)

meaning of popPop is an abbreviation of the word "popular", which is used in both English and Por...

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