Fugaz is an adjective of two genders in the Portuguese language, originating from the Latin term fugax and which describes something fast that runs away or runs fast. In the figurative sense it means something transitory or...
COFINS stands for Contribution to Social Security Financing, which is a social contribution applied on the gross amount presented by a company. As its name indicates, COFINS...
Mrs is a form of treatment in English which in Portuguese means Lady or Mrs, which is used to designate a woman who is married. Mrs (in British English) or Mrs. (in American English) is placed...
Rock and roll is the name of a musical style that came from the expression “rocking and rolling”, which means “rocking and rolling”. This expression could mean "dancing" or "having sex". Yours...
Eclosion is a feminine noun that consists of a Gallicism, that is, it comes from a French term ( eclosion ), which means the action of coming out into the light, arising, appearing, budding,...
Security is the feminine noun meaning the act or effect of holding. It can also be synonymous with trust, assurance, firmness, stability and certainty. In the military field, security consists of...
Schedule is an activity management tool usually in the form of a table, which also includes the time in which the activities will take place. As for the etymology, the term schedule has its origin in...
Scope refers to what you want to achieve. It is a masculine noun, originating from the Greek word skopos which means "one who watches over, who protects". Scope is the purpose, target, or intent that...
Censorship is a word from the Latin censorship which means the act or effect of censoring. Censorship can also be synonymous with reprimand or reprimand. Furthermore, censorship is a well-known form of...
Ethos is a word of Greek origin, meaning "moral character". It is used to describe the set of habits or beliefs that define a community or nation. In the context of sociology and...
Edification is the feminine noun meaning the act of building or constructing something, such as a building. The concept of building is related to civil construction, meaning the...
Epigraph is a title or phrase that serves as a theme or introduction to a subject. The term comes from the Greek "epigrafhé" which means "inscription", "title". In a literary work, an epigraph is a...
Humanization is the action or effect of humanizing, making human or more human, making benevolent, making kind. Humanization is a process that can occur in several areas, such as Health Sciences,...
Counseling is a word of English origin, meaning "counseling". It is an interaction process between two people (a specialized professional and the client), which aims to help the person...
Labor is an adjective that relates something to the world of work. It is a concept that refers to toil, toil, toil. As for the etymology, the word labor is formed from the term "labor",...