Popular Meanings (227)

Definition of CMYK

CMYK is a color system whose acronym is formed by the colors Cyan (Cyan), Magenta (Magenta), Yellow (Yellow) and blacK (Black). CMYK (also called color-pigment) is a widely used system in...

meaning of manga

Mangá is the name given to Japanese comics, which are characterized by being read from right to left, unlike conventional Western comics. Its origin is in the Theater...

Definition of Aerosol

Aerosol is the designation given to small particles of a liquid or solid that are suspended in the air in the form of a gas. This word is formed by "aero", which means "air" and "sun" refers to...

Definition of Puberty

Puberty is the process that leads the human body to sexual maturity or fertility, which is the ability to reproduce. In girls, puberty starts between the ages of 8 and 13, whereas in...

meaning of objectivity

Objectivity is a quality attributed to something or someone who is direct in their actions, without wasting time with speculation or subterfuge. Objectivity is usually related to being...


The pampa is a biome that is located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (in Brazil), in Uruguay and in some provinces in Argentina (such as Buenos Aires, Santa Fe, etc.) Along with the Amazon, the thick,...

Definition of Nephrology

Nephrology is an area of ​​medical specialization that aims to diagnose and treat diseases of the kidneys and urinary system. Regarding the etymology of this word, it comes from the Greek, where...

Definition of LSD

LSD is the abbreviation for lysergic acid diethylamide (from the German Lysergsäurediethylamid), one of the most potent hallucinogenic drugs in existence. LSD is a synthetic liquid substance (created in...

Definition of Incipient

Incipient is an adjective that qualifies something or something that is at the beginning of a process, that is, that is of an initial nature. This term is often used to identify the initial stage...

Grantor and grantee

The word grantor is used in the legal context to designate the one who grants, who grants. The word granted, in turn, designates the one who is the beneficiary of a grant, the one who receives...

Meaning of Xexelento

Xexelento is a popular expression used to describe people or objects of poor quality, without value or even that have an unpleasant appearance, bad appearance. The use of the word xexelent was...

meaning of logarithm

Logarithm is a mathematical function that is based on the potentiation and exponentiation properties. The value of the logarithm corresponds to the exponent that must be raised by a certain base, positive and...

Definition of Uniform

Uniform is an adjective of two genders that qualifies everything that has a single form, which is always the same, which does not vary. Uniform is what has an equal relationship, which is similar, identical,...

Definition of GG WP

GG WP is an acronym in English for good game, well played, which means “good game, well played”, in the literal translation to Portuguese. This acronym is used among online game players, such as...

Definition of Parsimony

Parsimony is the act of saving, saving and containing something or something. Parsimony, as an act of economy, is characterized by being focused on small aspects, that is, a thorough economy. When...

Latest Meanings (261)

meaning of mouthFozé the name given to the place where a watercourse ends; where a river flows. T...

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Latest Meanings (260)

meaning of boldBold is an adjective from the Portuguese language and used to characterize someone...

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Popular Meanings (262)

Definition of Crying Over Spilled MilkCrying over spilled milk is a popular expression in Portugu...

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